How to make some super fantastic hamburgers. Delicious!!!

Hamburgers aren’t so easy to grill sometimes. It definitely takes practice. If you only use ground beef, it is very easy for them to dry and fall apart.

Here is an easy burger recipe with some of my hamburger secrets to get you going. They always turn out good and are hard to dry out. We like this one a lot 🙂

Here is what you will need:

  • 2 lbs ground meat
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup ketchup
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup bread crumbs
  • 2 tbs worcestshire
  • 2 tbs steak sauce
  • 1 tbs minced garlic
  • ground pepper

Get yourself a large bowl or container. Add the ground meat. Then I just start adding the ingredients one by one.

Every time I add one, I knead it into the ground meat.

You can either break the eggs right over the meat or stir them up in a bowl first. Stirring them up first usually works a little better and easier.

These measurements are all approximate so adjust them to your own taste. Really, I just add them all until it looks like there is enough. You probably don’t want to add more than 1/2 cup of ketchup. If you add too much, it makes the meat too wet and it just doesn’t turn out right. So if you are going to ease up on anything, you want to watch the ketchup.

Also, be careful adding the bread crumbs. If you have too much the patties wont form as well.

Other than that, just mix everything up really well like I said before. Pretty much like you are making a meatloaf. Then form the meat into patties. I like to make them a little thicker but that is going to be up to you and your personal preference.

When the patties are ready, throw them on a hot grill. How long you cook them is going to depend on how thick you made the burgers. You have to be careful with ground meat so make sure you cook them all the way through. When they have reached an internal temperature of 160 degrees they should be done.

What I like about this recipe is it is kind of hard to screw up these burgers. My wife likes to use an electric grill and she threw these on outside with some vegetables she sliced up. They looked amazing…

I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!!!

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