When my daughter was little, we used to make up stories about her being a warrior. She carried a small plastic sword around and was always taking care of business. She wasn’t just a warrior, she was a TMANWARRIOR! She was always in training though, not full fledged just yet.

I honestly don’t remember where the TMAN part came from. So I can’t tell you what that’s all about. It was a good thing and a great honor to be a TMANWARRIOR though. That I know.

My daughter is not little anymore. If being a TMANWARRIOR is a good thing, then she has certainly become one. I couldn’t be prouder of her. She has grown up to be a really good person. I think that is all a parent can hope for.

I couldn’t decide what to call this website, because it wasn’t really about anything. I see it being a family oriented site, with this, that and the other thing that I and maybe others have learned so far along the way in life. Things I didn’t always know and maybe will end up being a help to others.

So let’s just call it TMANWARRIOR.

Thanks for stopping by……..