How to make and grill a foil vegetable pack

If you ask me, grilling and Summer just kind of go together.

Another thing that rolls right into it are fresh vegetables. This is the time of year where those vegetable stands start popping up alongside the road everywhere.

Here is a fast and easy tip for a delicious side dish the next time you grill. So the next time you see a good looking vegetable stand, pull over!

First, you need to get yourself some good vegetables. Here we have some banana peppers, red peppers, squash and zucchini.

You want to slice your vegetables up and discard the parts you don’t want. Next, you want to lay down some aluminum foil and place your sliced up vegetables on top of the foil. How much foil you lay down is going to depend on how many vegetables you have.

Next, you can add some butter, or if you are watching calories, some kind of butter substitute. We used a butter spray today along with a little salt and fresh ground pepper.

When you have everything in that you want, seal the foil up and tent it a little bit if you are able. Then, you want to take a fork and pierce the aluminum foil all over so you have small holes throughout the foil packs. This will allow the vegetables to cook better on the grill.

When you have it all ready, just place your foil packets on to a hot grill. I am using a small Weber grill I have for this example, works perfect for something like this. I do mostly charcoal grilling, you could use any kind of grill for this I suppose.

The hard part is done, now all you have to do is cook the vegetables. How long you cook them is really going to depend on what kind of vegetables you are using. For what we have here, I cooked them 30 minutes, 15 minutes on a side.

So after 15 minutes you just want to flip your foil pouch. If you used stick butter be careful because the melted butter will run out when you flip the pouch. Be careful because everything will be very hot now. A good pair of camp gloves works great for this.

When your time is up make sure you have something to put the hot foil pouch in to get it to the table.

Now you really have to be careful when you open the grilled foil packs up. Steam will escape and it is easy to burn yourself if you aren’t paying attention.

Once you have it open, dig in and enjoy those delicious veggies.

Grill recipes just don’t get much easier or tastier than this! Enjoy!

2 Responses to “How to make and grill a foil vegetable pack”

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  1. Donna says:

    I tried corn on the cob this way – very good ! Butter spray tip will be very helpful next time !!

    • tmanwarrior says:

      Honestly I might have to try that myself sometime, sounds great!!! Thanks for stopping by Donna!!!

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